MLB: Mark McGuire. Sammy Sosa. Barry Bonds. Roger Clemens. Alex Rodriquez. The best of MLB or cheaters?
Cycling: Lance Armstrong. Greatest cyclist ever or greatest liar ever?
NFL: Shawne Merriman. Brian Cushing. Aqib Talib. Brandon Browner. Richard Sherman. Joe Haden. up and coming stars or up and coming cheaters?
NBA: ..................
If Everyone Cheats? Is It Cheating?
Steriods has brought everyone that achieves an amazing statistical feat into question.
Usain Bolt: Solid 200 yard runner turned unstoppable 100/200 runner.
Adrian Peterson: Torn ACL/MCL, nearly breaks NFL rushing record a year later.
Ray Lewis: Torn triceps 16 yrs into NFL turns in super bowl appearance 2 months later?
Let's face reality here. If your favorite athlete does something astonishing, he probably had help. It's 2013, open your eyes. We are seeing bigger, stronger, faster athletes every year. You think it's the food? Remember when 7 footers were slow, prodding big men. Look at them now, DeAndre Jordan, Dwight Howard, Blake Griffin. I could go on, we have never seen athletic big men like this before.
On that subject, does anyone else think it is odd that not a single NBA player has ever test postived for performance enhancing drugs? Seriously?
I assume everyone is cheating, when I hear about Lance Armstrong or A-Rod, i don't stop to think about it. It does not affect my opinion of them at all, I am completely de-sensitized to drugs in sports. There is no savior in sports, only people that have not been caught...yet.
LeBron James.
Think he's clean?
I'm Back!!!
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