Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The New Year's Resolution

In the past couple days I had been debating on what to blog about next.  Opening night of basketball, Upcoming showdown between Cowboys and Giants, the holidays.  I decided on none of the above (Cowboys/Giants will probably occur later in the week).  I'm writing about something a little more important to me, new year's resolutions.  A friend of mine hit it on the head today in a facebook uipdate, he said:

 "has no resolutions for 2012. He just wants to keep improving on himself each day."

On that note, feel free to head over to his blog at www.thelibraicon.com for all the latest sports updates as well. Back to the blog.

Why do people make new year's resolutions?  I used to believe people made this resolutions because they genuinely had things in their life that they wanted to improve/change and new year's created an opportune time to start these improvements.  However, the more I thought about it the more I realized that if someone genuinely wants to improve themself, they will not wait for a date in order to do so.  When I was trying to lose weight and I talked about it and made several half hearted attempts to do so, nothing changed.  Change began the day I decided to change my lifestyle.  A new year cannot do that for you, it is a crutch.  If you want to make improvements in your life, start today, start yesterday.  I am all for someone improving themself but true change and improvement starts within, not within a new year. 

I always tell people at work that if you're not making yourself better, you're making yourself worse.  If you're waiting for some magical day to make you better, your only making yourself worse in the progress.  Make yourself better each day, some days you will succeed, and others you will not.  Don't do it alone, ask friends and family for help, that's what they're there for.  Some days will be easier than others, don't get discouraged. 

Michael Jordan once said: "I can accept failure, I can't accept not trying." 

I did not wait, I'm in love, I've been loving those around me, living my life the best I can and enjoying all the world of sports I can enjoy. 

My New Year's Resolution: Love, Live, Sports.

1 comment:

  1. WoW! Who knew that there was a closet philosopher(sp?) in that fun personality! Seriously, though you have hit the nail on the head and I just read a related article by one of my church family members that coincides with yours.
